About Zsofia


I am a former school teacher and have been practising Pilates for almost 20 years. The very first time I did Pilates I instinctively knew it was very good for my body and I haven’t stopped ever since. Having gone through two pregnancies (including a twin) along with years of lower back pain, Pilates proved to be an immensely valuable practice in my daily life. After experiencing the many benefits of Pilates, my enthusiasm and passion led me to train as a Pilates teacher. After completing an Advanced Diploma in Pilates Mat work 3 (awarded by Pilates Institute Ireland), I am even more committed to this exercise form and passionate about teaching it to others. My Pilates journey is forever ongoing and the more I learn and discover about this amazing method the more I want to know. My passion for anatomy, movement and its healing effect on the body makes me want to continuously expand my knowledge and further my training so I can bring everything there is to know about the method to you.


“Self -confidence, poise, consciousness of possessing the power to accomplish our desires, with renewed lively interest in life are the natural results of the practice of Contrology (Pilates)”

— Joseph H. Pilates